1. how organise and store my LPs on the shelf
  2. how to carry my reading glasses (out of the cases), iphone, and a pen comfortably without a bag that is not too bulky in my pockets and they are in easy reach.
  3. how to store my booklets, files that I rarely (once a year) refer to but that can be easily retrieved from the garage.
  4. how to organise my desk so the wires from my IT related equipment don't look messy and are not in my way
  5. how to store (our and our guests) shoes in the front entry so they are not unsightly given the space we have and the storage solution need to look classy.
  6. having a photo frame that take less space on the desk
  7. having a bookmark that is also a ready light for camping
  8. how to display my kids many lego bionicle when there is limited shelf space
  9. how thaw frozen meats quicker using the sun rather than a microwave
  10. how to stand the iPad on my bedding so that it is stable to watch videos on it

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    May 2013

